Health Organisation

Concept Explanation

Health Organisation

Two most important International bodies concerned with people's health are :

  • Red Cross
  • WHO (World Health Organisation)
  • 1.  Red Cross : - 

    The Red Cross is a national as well as International agency. The main function of Red Cross Society is to perform activities which should  prevent or remove human sufferings in peace time as well as at the time of war. It was formally founded in 1864. The emblem of the Red Cross Society is a red-coloured cross painted on a white background.

    People belonging to the Red Cross can go to battlefields and take care of the wounded soldiers whether friends or enemies. Major activities of Red Cross Societies are as follows :

  • To extend relief and help to the victims of any calamity - flood, fire, famine, earthquakes, etc.
  • To procure and supply blood for the needy victims of war or other calamities.
  • To extend all possible first-aid in any accident.
  • To educate people in accident prevention.
  • To arrange for ambulance service in all emergencies.
  • To look after maternal and child welfare centres.
  • The Indian Red Cross Society has also been engaged in training midwives.
  • 2. WHO (World Health Organisation) : -

    The World Health Organisation (WHO) established in 1948, is a specialised agency of the United nations Organisation (UNO).

    Reasons for the formation of WHO :-

     Member countries of the UNO focused on the need for creating an international body to look after the health problems of people of the world. This was particularly felt in the fields of research on the causes and cures of diseases. The combined efforts in this poor and developing countries were to benefit quickly.

    Who has six regional offices in the world including one in Delhi. Each regional office works for its member countries. Its headquaters and located in Geneva. Member states of WHO are bound by the International Sanitary Regulations to send in all relevant information about the Internationally notifiable diseases. Malaria and small - pox are two such notifiable diseases.

    Main activities of WHO are as follows : -

  • To collect and supply information about the occurrence of diseases of epidemic nature (Such as cholera, plague, typhoid, yellow fever, small pox etc).
  • To promote and support projects for research on diseases.
  • To supply information on latest developments about the use of vaccines, cancer research nutritional discoveries, control of drug addiction and about health hazards of nuclear radiation.
  • To suggest quarantine measures (isolation of patient) to prevent spread of disease to other.
  • To lay pharmaceutical standards for important drugs, to ensure purity and size of the dose.
  • To organise campaigns for the control of epidemic (widespread) and endemic (local) diseases. [one example of an endemic disease is the simple goitre due to iodine deficiency].
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